Wednesday, 31 August 2016

CJMUN 2016!

A great logo for a great cause!

Hello everyone! So this is officially my first blog post on this blog and I'm really excited. I know many of you conventarians had a chill and a relaxed holiday on the Saturday and Sunday, but those two days were hectic for the girls taking part in the CJMUN. I was completely exhausted, and I could not even get a proper sleep for those two days. At the end of Sunday, I was glad that we were finally done with the MUN but then I realised I was missing it already. I agree that the MUN was tiring but it left some wonderful memories and I learned a great deal of things, not only about Pakistan but also about all the countries around the world. It was my first time doing an MUN and it was the best experience ever!

Committees and their topics!

These were the timings for the MUN!

On Saturday, I was really stoked about the MUN. I woke up at 6 O'clock in the morning, had my breakfast and started searching for formal clothes in my wardrobe. Unfortunately, I did not have any so I just wore 'The Beatles' T-shirt with a blazer and sneakers. Everyone judged me for what I was wearing because it was completely informal. Anyhow, when we arrived at school, we were handed our files in which we received our Placards (mine was Somalia), a notebook and a pen. I was in DISEC and the country that I was assigned to represent was Somalia. I legit knew nothing about Somalia except for the fact that it was a land controlled by pirates -.- I did do my research but it was regarding the general use of drones in warfare and my stance was against its use. People arrived sharp at 8:30 and we waited for some time until all of us parted ways and headed for our committees. Luckily, my best friend was in my committee and she was the delegate of Gabon!

You go, Gabon! (Gabon is a small country in Africa)

My fear for speaking vanished when I was with the delegate of Gabon, until I saw my Chairs. I've been a victim of stage frights but I wanted to break free of it and that was why I joined the MUN. However, I found myself to be more confused than ever. The rules were quite perplexing but as one of the Chair explained all of it, I felt a little more confident. Our first session was a bit disappointing because many people were doing the MUN for the first time. We got our break at 11 and we had our food from the canteen as we planned on what we would do when the second session began. My committee was actually pretty good because most of my buddies were in it and they were really helpful. They gave me points, helped me decide on motions to raise and commented on my progress. The Second session went smooth. We had an entertainment session too with our chairs which was quite a lot of fun! We dared them, asked them questions and listened to them as they told us their stories. Then came the second break at 2 PM which was a terribly long break. Everyone was ordering food, even though there were lunch boxes arranged (which had a samosa and a roll in them and there was no limit on the juices!) but I wanted to eat something filling. It was not long before my affectionate mother sent two bowls of pasta, which I fed on, my twin fed on, our friends fed on and our committee members fed on. It was a satisfying lunch. The third session was really unproductive since everyone gave up because of exhaustion and we received a warning from the Chairs who demanded improvement from us before we were dismissed.

DISEC Committee!

Sunday was a bit more productive, I guess. Everyone spoke more and everyone had done their research. We had our blocs (the people For and Against the use of Drones) and my stance was against. We gave in our working papers, and then we were to make our draft resolutions. Everything went smoothly, until one of our Chairs started the crisis. All of us failed to do anything in that one. But overall, Sunday was better than Saturday! I felt so proud of myself that I successfully did attended an MUN! At the end of the day, I felt as if my committee, DISEC, was my family and I guess that is the MUN affect. I heard that the other committees (SPECPOL and SOCHUM) were quite good too! Anyway, I would like to thank Sherbano, Neha and Ayla for organising such a wonderful event in our school! I would also like to thank all the Chairs for giving our school their valuable time. Oh, and congratulations to all the Best Delegates and the Honourable Mentions!

DISEC: Making the draft resolution!

SOCHUM: They're all happy


SOCHUM: My twin in her committee

Hats off to the chairs and the organisers of the CJMUN!